The Family Portrait Tradition
Growing up I have strong memories of going to our local photography studio to get our yearly family portraits. With four kids under 10 years old, I remember some entertaining moments as my parents tried to get us all situated and ready to go. In particular I was always a problem with my long hair that would get so tangled from running wild outside all day that it was almost impossible to keep straight. Not to mention getting me and my sisters to sit still in new dresses. Particularly one year was an issue when my brother decided to give my little sister a homemade surprise haircut the day before family pictures, chopping her bangs and a big section in the back straight off. After years in this business, it amuses me to think of the photographer charged with the task of getting those shots.
Family Portraits are a Lasting Investment

Family Portraits are a Window in Time

The Big Picture (or Portrait)
I again realized the importance of portraits a year and a half ago when my mom was hospitalized for four months and was in such a condition in ICU on Christmas Day that it was unclear which way the cards would unfold. As a photographer, one of the things that came to mind was regret for putting off having a professional portrait together in so long, in light of possibly not having another opportunity. I am glad to say that recently after a full recovery, my family was all able to come into the studio to take our first professional portrait in probably 15 years. Just like always, those photos now fill our house and have been sent to all our family, where it’s safe to say they will line the walls and inspire good memories and conversations for years to come.

So when was the last time you had a professional family portrait?
About Ashley Fiora, Professional Traveling Portrait Photographer
When I’m not traveling, I can be seen biking around my wonderful mountainous home of Boulder Colorado, running, experimenting with my film camera collection, gardening and spending as much time in the mountains as possible.